
I am interested in the dynamics of multiculturalism and multilingualism resulting from migration, the impact of migration on national and personal identities, and the social, political, and legal experiences of refugees and displaced people. Particular research interests have included refugee migration in the Mediterranean region, social and political attitudes towards immigration and language in France, and diaspora studies, including the Overseas Filipino Community.


I am interested in the dynamics of multiculturalism and multilingualism resulting from migration, the impact of migration on national and personal identities, and the social, political, and legal experiences of refugees and displaced people. Particular research interests have included refugee migration in the Mediterranean region, social and political attitudes towards immigration and language in France, and diaspora studies, including the Overseas Filipino Community.

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I am interested in the dynamics of multiculturalism and multilingualism resulting from migration, the impact of migration on national and personal identities, and the social, political, and legal experiences of refugees and displaced people. Particular research interests have included refugee migration in the Mediterranean region, social and political attitudes towards immigration and language in France, and diaspora studies, including the Overseas Filipino Community.