
Thomas Schneider



My research interests focus on interconnections between ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the ancient Near East, the Levant and Northeast Africa, including questions of migration and ethnic identity, cultural contact, as well as linguistic, literary and religious transfer. I am also interested in how these concepts have been shaped and/or appropriated by modern ideologies, such as National Socialism. Some relevant recent work includes:

– Hermann Grapow’s position in Egyptology and National Socialist Initiatives for the Humanities, 1938-1945.In: B.M. Levinson and R. Ericksen  (ed.): Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich. Studies in Antisemitism. Indiana University Press (forthcoming)

– Language Contact of Ancient Egyptian with Semitic and other Near Eastern Languages. In: R. Hasselbach-Andee (ed.): A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. 2020, 421-437.

– J.C. Moreno García and T. Schneider (eds.): Ethnic Identities in Ancient Egypt and the Identity of Egyptology. Journal of Egyptian History, Special Volume. 2018.

– Finding the Beyond: Exploration. In: P.P. Creasman and R.H. Wilkinson (eds.): Pharaoh’s Land and Beyond: Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors. Oxford: OUP, 2017, 5-17.

– T.E. Levy, T. Schneider and W.H.C. Propp (eds.): Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective – Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience. Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer: 2015.


Thomas Schneider



My research interests focus on interconnections between ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the ancient Near East, the Levant and Northeast Africa, including questions of migration and ethnic identity, cultural contact, as well as linguistic, literary and religious transfer. I am also interested in how these concepts have been shaped and/or appropriated by modern ideologies, such as National Socialism. Some relevant recent work includes:

– Hermann Grapow’s position in Egyptology and National Socialist Initiatives for the Humanities, 1938-1945.In: B.M. Levinson and R. Ericksen  (ed.): Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich. Studies in Antisemitism. Indiana University Press (forthcoming)

– Language Contact of Ancient Egyptian with Semitic and other Near Eastern Languages. In: R. Hasselbach-Andee (ed.): A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. 2020, 421-437.

– J.C. Moreno García and T. Schneider (eds.): Ethnic Identities in Ancient Egypt and the Identity of Egyptology. Journal of Egyptian History, Special Volume. 2018.

– Finding the Beyond: Exploration. In: P.P. Creasman and R.H. Wilkinson (eds.): Pharaoh’s Land and Beyond: Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors. Oxford: OUP, 2017, 5-17.

– T.E. Levy, T. Schneider and W.H.C. Propp (eds.): Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective – Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience. Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer: 2015.


Thomas Schneider

About keyboard_arrow_down

My research interests focus on interconnections between ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the ancient Near East, the Levant and Northeast Africa, including questions of migration and ethnic identity, cultural contact, as well as linguistic, literary and religious transfer. I am also interested in how these concepts have been shaped and/or appropriated by modern ideologies, such as National Socialism. Some relevant recent work includes:

– Hermann Grapow’s position in Egyptology and National Socialist Initiatives for the Humanities, 1938-1945.In: B.M. Levinson and R. Ericksen  (ed.): Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich. Studies in Antisemitism. Indiana University Press (forthcoming)

– Language Contact of Ancient Egyptian with Semitic and other Near Eastern Languages. In: R. Hasselbach-Andee (ed.): A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. 2020, 421-437.

– J.C. Moreno García and T. Schneider (eds.): Ethnic Identities in Ancient Egypt and the Identity of Egyptology. Journal of Egyptian History, Special Volume. 2018.

– Finding the Beyond: Exploration. In: P.P. Creasman and R.H. Wilkinson (eds.): Pharaoh’s Land and Beyond: Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors. Oxford: OUP, 2017, 5-17.

– T.E. Levy, T. Schneider and W.H.C. Propp (eds.): Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective – Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience. Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer: 2015.

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