
I am a human geographer and critical migration scholar interested in the political, cultural, and epistemological controversies arising from growing concern about climate change’s impact on human mobilities. I situate my work broadly within mobilities studies, social sciences of climate change, and geographies of knowledge. I am particularly interested in the challenging work of translating knowledge between the worlds of academia, development practice, and policy-making, especially through non-conventional or creative means like “serious games” and interactive workshops. Recent projects include the design social simulation of planned relocations and a stakeholder engagement project for managing internal climate mobilities in Madagascar. My home institution is the UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany.



I am a human geographer and critical migration scholar interested in the political, cultural, and epistemological controversies arising from growing concern about climate change’s impact on human mobilities. I situate my work broadly within mobilities studies, social sciences of climate change, and geographies of knowledge. I am particularly interested in the challenging work of translating knowledge between the worlds of academia, development practice, and policy-making, especially through non-conventional or creative means like “serious games” and interactive workshops. Recent projects include the design social simulation of planned relocations and a stakeholder engagement project for managing internal climate mobilities in Madagascar. My home institution is the UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany.


About keyboard_arrow_down

I am a human geographer and critical migration scholar interested in the political, cultural, and epistemological controversies arising from growing concern about climate change’s impact on human mobilities. I situate my work broadly within mobilities studies, social sciences of climate change, and geographies of knowledge. I am particularly interested in the challenging work of translating knowledge between the worlds of academia, development practice, and policy-making, especially through non-conventional or creative means like “serious games” and interactive workshops. Recent projects include the design social simulation of planned relocations and a stakeholder engagement project for managing internal climate mobilities in Madagascar. My home institution is the UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down