Enhance your degree with a Graduate Certificate in Migration Studies

Regardless of your degree program, if you have an interest in migration as a field of research or professional practice, a certificate in Migration Studies can significantly enhance your graduate education and career prospects.

As of Winter Term 2024, CMS will offer a new Graduate Certificate in Migration Studies, open to all UBC graduate students enrolled in any master’s, doctoral, or professional degree program. This certificate offers a specialization in migration and mobilities research, augmenting your graduate degree program.

Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of Migration Studies

As a broad-based research field, migration studies have evolved at the intersection of various disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, law, economics, education, history, demography, cultural studies, and health studies. The new certificate program adopts a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, encouraging exploration beyond departmental confines to enrich students’ understanding of migration studies. Rooted in decolonizing approaches, it fosters critical inquiry and invites engagement with diverse perspectives.

“The certificate’s core course integrates a decolonizing perspective, allowing students to begin to critically examine how colonial assumptions and knowledge systems influence the study of migration and to consider how the contributions of diverse knowledge systems may influence and transform studies of migration.”
Professor of Political Science and Founder and Co-Director of the UBC Centre for Migration Studies

Advance Your Career through Professional Development

In addition to academic enrichment, certificate students will have access to professional development opportunities beyond academia. The program’s core seminar will feature “Professional Studies in Migration” sessions, allowing students to benefit from practical insights delivered by migration experts from non-academic sectors. This holistic approach to professional development ensures students are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in the ever-evolving job market in migration-related fields.

“Students will learn about alternative career pathways in the field of migration from professionals in government, non-for-profit, and for-profit sectors.”
President’s Excellence Chair in Global Migration and Co-Director of the UBC Centre for Migration Studies

Be part of an Inclusive, Engaged and Diverse Community

Building an inclusive, dynamic, and interdisciplinary community is essential to the program. This environment fosters a sense of belonging beyond students’ primary disciplines and provides comprehensive support from faculty and peers, enhancing their graduate education more broadly.

Applications are now open for the 2024/25 cohort.
Apply by July 1, 2024!

Contact Information 

For any inquiries on the Graduate Certificate in Migration Studies, please contact CMS Research Manager, Gabriele Dumpys Woolever, at manager.migration@ubc.ca.