Statelessness by Design: Myanmar’s Bureaucratic Methods of Erasing the Rohingya
Dr. Amanda Cheong’s research reveals how Myanmar’s bureaucratic methods have systematically erased the Rohingya, creating one of the world’s largest stateless populations.
Beyond Political Polarization: Finding Common Ground on Immigration in the United States
Are Americans truly divided on immigration? Dr. Matthew Wright’s research challenges the perception of a polarized public, revealing that most Americans support centrist, value-driven immigration policies.
Factors that Influence the Educational Aspirations of Young Adult Women from Refugee Backgrounds
Sonja Aicha van der Putten | WPS 2024/1
Immigration and the Public
Keith Banting, Michael Donnelly, Marc Helbling, Andrea Lawlor, Rahsaan Maxwell, Angela X. Ocampo, Mireille Paquet, Margaret Peters, Richard Traunmüller, Paul Vierus and Conrad Ziller | WPS 2023/5
Mapping African Migration Literature Across the Atlantic
Andisheh Ghaderi and Antje Ziethen | WPS 2023/4
Growing, Sustaining, and Building a Career on Instagram Following International Migration: A Case Study of Persian Creators in Canada
Atieh Razavi Yekta, Suzanne Huot, and Heather O’Brien | WPS 2023/3
International Undergraduate Students and the Employability Game
Sameena Karim Jamal, Alison Taylor, and Catalina Bobadilla Sandoval | WPS 2023/2
International Students’ Cultural Engagement through (De-)Constructing Distance
Anne-Cécile Delaisse & Gaoheng Zhang | WPS 2023/1
The Conflicting Aims of Higher Education Admission and Immigration Selection Criteria in Canadian ‘Edugration’
Lisa Ruth Brunner & Guofang Li | WPS 2022/4
Expanding Opportunities: Postgraduate Studies at the Nexus of Migration, Internationalization, and Integration
Hongxia Shan, Elena Ignatovich, Siyi Cheng, Agnes d’Entremont and Thomas Tannert | WPS 2022/3