Dr. Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam receive Public Engagement Award

Congratulations to CMS affiliate Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam for receiving a Public Engagement Award from the UBC-V Public Humanities Hub.

These awards are given to individuals and partner organizations who have exhibited outstanding public humanities engagement in the past two years, and whose work has contributed to the expansion of the range of voices in public discourse. Dr. Nijdam’s nomination package highlights her work with and for the CMS Narratives Research Group.

Dr. Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam (Department of Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies)

Dr. Elizabeth “Biz” Nijdam is an Assistant Professor and settler scholar in the Department of Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She is currently completing her book manuscript Graphic Historiography: History & Memory through Comics and Graphic Novels (Ohio State University Press). Biz’s research and teaching include the representation of history in comics, comics and new media on forced migration, intersections between Indigenous studies and German, European, and migration studies, digital and analog game studies, and feminist methodologies in the graphic arts. Biz is a member of the CMS Executive Committee and serves as the coordinator of the Narratives Research Group. She also sits on the Executive Committee of the International Comic Arts Forum, is the Director of the Comics Studies Cluster in UBC’s Public Humanities Hub, and is Co-Director of the Popular Media for Social Change Research Excellence Cluster.