Institutional Partners

The UBC Centre for Migration Studies works with a range of Institutional, Community, and University Partners to better understand the impact of migration in society.

Meet our Institutional Partners and learn more about what they do.

Community Partners

Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
The AMSSA is a provincial association that provides resources and support to member agencies that serve newcomers to the region.

Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC (ANHBC)
The ANHBC aims to build healthy and engaged neighbourhoods by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.

BC Francophone Immigration Network (RIFCB)
The RIFCB supports Francophone immigration to BC by providing settlement support services.

Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House (FHNH)
FNHH plays a leadership role in building a healthy and engaged neighbourhood by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.

Immigrant Employment Council of BC (IEC-BC) 
The IEC-BC is a not-for-profit organization matching BC employers to qualified immigrant talent.

Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC)
The ISSofBC is a provider of settlement support services for immigrants and refugees in BC.

Migrant Workers Centre BC Society (MWCBC)
The Migrant Workers Centre works to promote and advance access to justice for migrant workers by providing legal services, advocacy, research, public education and engaging in law and policy reform initiatives.

MOSAIC BC is a registered charity serving immigrant, newcomer, and refugee communities in Greater Vancouver.

Options Community Services
Options Community Services is a not-for-profit registered charity providing social services primarily in Surrey, Delta, White Rock, and Langley.

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. promotes the well-being of Canadians and immigrants and encourages their full participation in community affairs in the spirit of multiculturalism.

World University Services of Canada (WUSC-UBC) 
WUSC-UBC facilitates the arrival of refugee students to UBC.

University Partners

Centre for the Study of Politics and Immigration (CSPI) – Concordia University
The CSPI is a research initiative on the politics of immigration and on immigration-related public policies.

Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC Migration) – Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
The CERC Migration program produces innovative and usable knowledge on the links between migration and post-migration processes, forced and voluntary mobility, internal and international migration, and the role of countries of origin and transit.

Faculty of Social Sciences – Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
HKBU upholds a whole person educational philosophy. The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts engaged research that addresses human, environmental, societal and political questions relevant to the changing world.

School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics (HAPP) – Queen’s University Belfast (QUB)
HAPP at QUB explores culture and society from the origins of humanity and ancient history to modern day politics. HAPP hosts a number of research centres that bring together clusters of research being conducted by academics at HAPP and beyond.

Student-led Undergraduate Associations

UBC Political Science Students’ Association (PSSA)
The PSSA is an entirely student-run departmental club that promotes and creates opportunities to learn more about Political Science.